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A47 is the brainchild of Black White Orange Brands Pvt. Ltd. team and promises to keep the pride alive.
But why ISRO you ask? Well, why not? The world is currently experiencing a second golden age of space exploration with old players like NASA and new upstarts leading the way like SpaceX, CNSA
and our very own ISRO.
Designed by in-house creative team that believes in revolution, creativity and bringing brands to life, each #ISRO design is steeped in the science of space exploration of the space agencies triumph and exploits with the same.
Something that has always irked the team is that we have one of the best space agencies in the world, an agency that the entire country is extremely proud of and has become a part of the pop-culture spirit and yet, it hasn't been represented as something tangible to its adoring and loyal fans.
And thus, began the creative journey into bringing our passion to paper and preparing a range that brings about a sense of national pride.

Campaign Edits

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